Coming 2023

“A tender, smart, conversation-starting love story which explores questions of identity and the legacy of the slave trade in 21st-Century Britain.” THE BOOKSELLER



Tony Craze Award 2020 – Highly Commended

Alfred Fagon Award 2020 – Longlisted

In development. 

A rehearsed reading of the play took place in June 2022 as part of the 10th annual TALAWA FIRSTS new writing festival.

A heavily pregnant, thirty-something woman is in labour in the middle of a global pandemic. Too scared to go to the hospital in Lockdown London, she’s decided to have the ‘perfect’ homebirth with nothing but a birthing ball and a Fleabag boxset to get her through it. Plans are derailed when her ex turns up and refuses to leave. As her labour progresses and with the midwife unreachable, the pair are forced to confront the remnants of their relationship and their breakup before everything changes forever with the arrival of their child.


2018 Tour: Tara Theatre, Stratford Circus, Lighthouse Poole, Bridport Arts, Assembly Rooms Edinburgh

Producers: Phoebe McIntosh & Black Theatre Live

“Thought-provoking, engaging… An intimate play for an intimate venue; McIntosh deserves to play to a full house every day.” ★★★★★ BOUQUETS & BRICKBATS


“[The play sets up] fascinating questions and conflicts … Layla’s final statement that she’s now “a different person, but not in the way you think” both subtly undermines the cliché of fairytale weddings and the misconception that there are simple solutions to complex issues.” ★★★★ THE SCOTSMAN


“Dominoes felt new, it felt progressive … at the spearhead of contemporary dialogues driven by young people determined to deal with history in a new way.” ★★★★★ ED FRINGE REVIEW


2014: Off West-end, Tea House Theatre Vauxhall

Producer: Primate Productions

THE TEA DIARIES is an undeniably charming piece of theatre about the unifying power of tea. The playwright, Phoebe McIntosh, ingeniously uses the beverage as a thematic device that helps to weave different threads of narrative into one succinct story, by imagining tea breaks to provide a therapy service of sorts. The cafe is a safe space in which we can divulge our darkest secrets. Essentially, it is a story of loss, of guilt, of loneliness – it is a story of tea… Captivating. Sweet. Entertaining.” A YOUNGER THEATRE